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The Selten Group

Selten is a venture studio dedicated to the entrepreneurial pursuits and investment portfolio of Danny Jimenez.

We look for early-stage investments and advisory opportunities with investors and founders who shared a common passion for innovative value creation. We back promising businesses with internal and external capital.

We are also operators starting-up our own initiatives, working with talented individuals, and creating value for ourselves and our selected investors in seven distinct uncorrelated asset types: Real Estate, Innovative Logistics, Sports Management, Energy, Education, Manufacturing and Blockchain Technologies. 

The Selten Group (“Selten”) puts years of hands-on experience to work with talented individuals so we can build sound businesses, brands, and partnerships that create value. 

Real Estate.

Investing and managing real estate properties is at the core of what we do at Selten. Through its subsidiaries and investment partners, we touch different points in the real estate value chain – from investing, to designing, building, and remodeling existing assets, to managing properties, we create a portfolio geared to deliver attractive and superior returns. Click on link below to learn more.

Innovative Logistics.

We operate the last mile in the supply chain. We offer innovative solutions from oversee freights to inner city set ups where on-demand delivery has to be efficient and cost-effective. We are behind the scenes making sure logistics is the last thing you need to worry about. Click on link below to learn more.

Sports Management.

Soccer (football) is in our blood. An old passion and an incredible business opportunity. We are partnering with top European clubs to create a clear path for young talented American athletes to have a chance at European Soccer. Selten is a platform for scouting events, specific training skills, and talent management brought from Europe to the U.S. and conducted by world-known coaches and former players. Click on link below to learn more.


We bring many decades of hands-on executive experience in traditional energy markets. At Selten, we look for cash flowing opportunities from new or existing assets that generate attractive quarterly distributions and overall attractive annual returns. Also, we put our years of experience to consult with operators, founders, and investors on a range of energy and environmental matters such water preservation, carbon capture, emissions management and new technologies that enhance the sustainability of traditional energy markets. Click on link below to learn more.


Investing in education is a fundamental belief at Selten. Looking to solve pressing challenges in our education system or coming up with innovative solutions to enhance education is an integral part of our mission statement. Click on link below to learn more.


At Selten, we make available years of experience in product development and product manufacturing. At our disposal we have the expertise and the manufacturing capabilities to build custom home accessories – vanities, outdoor furniture, outdoor storage water tanks, and much more. You can find our products on Amazon and through our direct distribution channels. Click on link below to learn more.

Blockchain Technologies.

Through our direct investment fund, we deploy capital into exciting cryptocurrency projects. From managing Bitcoin and Ethereum positions to setting up mining farms, we entered the space in 2016. And we have a long view on it. Click on link below to learn more.